About Makeshift Mocktails 2
When I wrote the first Makeshift Mocktails book, there were very few restaurants with good mocktails – mostly just expensive, hipster restaurants. Most places just had soda and juice.
But now, mocktails are everywhere!
So, how is this book different?
Makeshift Mocktails 2 is about making simpler mocktails, with fewer custom syrups and hard-to-find bitters. Almost everything in this book is probably already in your house, or easily found at your local grocery store.
You'll find mocktail recipes for a peach bellini, a watermelon margarita, and even one made with frozen peas – it's so good!
One thing that's not different? Once again, I developed all of the recipes, wrote all the descriptions, and took all the pictures myself.
Have fun mixing and shaking!
Portland Backpack
Portland Backpack is an organization that gives backpacks full of food to kids in Portland that are suffering from food insecurity.
When I published my first book, it made me so happy to see how many people wanted to support me and Portland Backpack.
Makeshift Mocktails 2 also supports Portland Backpack because the housing crisis and food insecurity crisis are still very real for kids in Portland.
So, once again, 100% of the proceeds of this book will go to Portland Backpack.
How to order
Each copy is $15 and I'll ship or deliver them to your address.
Want to pay by credit card?
Go here to pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, and PayPal. (You don't need a PayPal account!)
You can also pay by check or Venmo.
To do that, start here and let me know your address and how many you want on this form.
Again, all proceeds will be donated to Portland Backpack.
Thank you!
~ Jake